Other things people forget to mention
Previously I have had a moan about all the things people fail to mention when you are pregnant. Despite still agreeing with SOME of those points I have now reached a point in motherhood where I am around other new mums or pregnant ladies and find myself (increasingly) omitting various things from our conversations. (sorry!) With progression up the motherhood ladder you realise that a) there are some things which you do not want to be the one to tell a glowing expectant mum or a stressed new mummy. b) You don't want to be THAT person and sound like a know it all even if you are only trying to help! c) some things people just need to find out on their own. d) every baby and every situation is different! That being said I do wish more people talked about certain things! Sometimes it feels as though you hear and read non stop things about pregnancy and birth and the first few weeks post baby and then you are thrown out into the wilderness. The information, at least the accurate ...