
Showing posts from March, 2017

Mothers guilt

When I was pregnant I distinctly remember reading first an article in gurgle magazine and then a few blogs about mummy guilt. As I perused the articles I remember naively thinking that will never be me! These silly women who can't go out or buy a dress or get a massage etc. I won't be like that I thought as I stroked my huge belly. I imagined loving the child I birthed but still a bing plenty of opportunities  to  be me and whizz off on regular date nights and mini breaks with the hubby. Oh how the reality differs! Now I actually am a mummy I am shockingly riddled with heartbreaking guilt all the time! I'm guilty about things that haven't even happened yet like going back to work and leaving my tiny human with various grandparents for 3 days! What if he cries and needs me! I have been out out exactly 0 times in 6 months and cam count the times I have been away from my child for a few hours on one hand. Mum guilt seems to be a special and specific type of guilt, ac...

6 months (ish)

Yay! We made it to 6 months! (If um being honest O us actually  nearly 6 1/2  months it's taken me two weeks to write this.) Everyone always says 'it gets easier' and if I really stop sit down and think about it then yes I suppose it does. Gone is the screaming inconsoleable creature we had to dose up with gaviscon abd reflux milk to stop him throwing up which led to us using gripe water and fennel tea to treat the wind and constipation they caused. And the infacol jow could I forget that!!  So in short yes a lot of things have become easier.  However, it does not always feel easier as whilst certain challenges disappear with a new age bracket, new ones arise which sort of cancels out some of the newly discovered ease. Despite the fact that we are dealing with new challenges this is my favourite age so far! Oscar's personality is really shining through now and he is a funny, cheeky boy who laughs at the mostmost random things. He is absolutely  gorgeous a...