6 months (ish)

We made it to 6 months! (If um being honest O us actually  nearly 6 1/2  months it's taken me two weeks to write this.)

Everyone always says 'it gets easier' and if I really stop sit down and think about it then yes I suppose it does.
Gone is the screaming inconsoleable creature we had to dose up with gaviscon abd reflux milk to stop him throwing up which led to us using gripe water and fennel tea to treat the wind and constipation they caused. And the infacol jow could I forget that!!  So in short yes a lot of things have become easier.
 However, it does not always feel easier as whilst certain challenges disappear with a new age bracket, new ones arise which sort of cancels out some of the newly discovered ease.

Despite the fact that we are dealing with new challenges this is my favourite age so far! Oscar's personality is really shining through now and he is a funny, cheeky boy who laughs at the mostmost random things. He is absolutely  gorgeous and gives me a beaming, heart melting smile when he wakes up, which is just as well really as he still DOES NOT sleep through the night at all. To the point where I just laugh slightly manically when asked the inevitable and loaded question "is he good? " which I have learnt actually means does he sleep through the night.
By 6 months I had imagined not being quite so tired (it's a sore point can you tell? ) and feeding my baby wholesome home cooked meals whilst he explored the world of finger food. The reality is laughably different.
I have had 4 days, last week, where O slept 7-11/1 without waking up, he then went on to wake up a few times between 1 and 5.30 but go straight back to sleep each time. You have no idea how rested and full of beans I felt! Optimistically I thought this was a turning point. Alas, I have been up since 3 for the last 5 days. So unless he's planning on some wierd 4 days of sleep 5 days not pattern I would say it was a bit of a fluke...

As for wholesome cooking, some days I barely have time to wee let alone create gastronomical wonders for ny baby to enjoy and if we are being totally honest most of it end up on the floor, in his hair/eye/ear/nose or on the cat.
Finger food has also been somewhat  unsuccessful  thus far and has either been discarded violently onto the floor whilst my bundle of joy looks me dead in the eyes, mashed ceremoniously into the high chair or pushed so far into O,s mouth that he makes himself  gag and throw up his milk...
Needless to say we are still working on the whole food thing!

I am thoroughly enjoying the discovery aspect of this age, watching him work things out and discover new things is wonderful and often hilarious. Particularly watching him exploring another baby at Monkey Music not sure she quite needed that full dental exam but they seemed to enjoy sucking each others cheeks....(no girlfriends Oscar.)

Other 6 month observations include:
.He no longer has any problems whatso ever pooing. He poos constantly now, in fact just this morning I had to watch a poo be evacuated as he chose the exact moment I undid the nappy to release that particular monstrosity (which incidentally looked much the same going in) luckily I had not yet whisked away the nappy or put my hand any where near the evacuation point.
. He hates lumps or in fact any kind of texture at all!  Something which hopefully can be improved shortly.
. He loves banana and yoghurt ergo banana yoghurt results in the most amazing noises.
.He still doesn't sleep and can be completely  refreshed by a five minute nap!


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