Stroller downgrade!

We live in a flat and have a short but awkward flight of stairs to climb every time we wish to exit into the big wide world or return with snoozing baby. This has presented many problems. Not to mention giving me hours of standing around in the communal hallway trying not to look wierd whilst I wait for snoozing baby to wake up. The luxury of simply wheeling pram and sleeping baby into house was sadly not ours. I was also faced daily with the effort of lugging all the pram components and bags downstairs whilst baby, inevitably in the early days, cried from his safe deposit area (the floor.) We bought a glorious pram, the urbo 2 in limited edition liberty print (on sale I might add) It is a beautiful pram and wonderfully smooth to push and operate however Baby Cremore rejected to tradition carry cot part (later we discovered due to reflux in the early days and general nosiness laterly) So we switched up pretty quickly to the pram which incidentally lies flat a...