Bewtixmas and the art of transitioning. Drifting through life in that strange place between Christmas and New years, Betwixmas, I always find myself entering; reflection phase. I actually quite like this odd, deliciously timeless part of the year where nobody has any idea what day it is and everyone adopts the eating schedule of a hobbit with a particularly vivacious appetite, for some however it is a painful time of unstructured waiting. A transitional period dragged out across too many days. Prior to Christmas and birthdays I like to encourage my son to have a small clearout. This is not led by me, I don’t follow him around with a bin bag and threats and I would never clear out behind his back but instead gently -sometimes hopefully- suggest that it might be desirable to clear the way for new toys and donate others so that children can benefit from what has served him. In past years, this has been largely unsuccessful with him clinging onto even the randomest of ite...