Relocation, Relocation, relocation

After a year of unbelievable stress we have finally moved!!
I was desperate to vacate our little one bed flat, with a lovely toddler we had all but outgrown the space and the walls were bursting at the seams with four years of accumulation. However, when the time came to leave I had mixed feelings. We may have been about to embark on an exciting new journey in a house-with actual inside stairs and it's own garden- but we were also leaving the area we grew up in and both of our families.
Our relocation further into Kent was not necessarily a choice we made, rather a neccesesity. The need for more space was the strongest drive for us and the place we choice was simply the next affordable place out. The relocation to a place neither of us know also meant that I was forced to leave my job as a teaching assistant in a local primary school!

Well, we are finally in our new house and it is slightly chaotic...okay it's insanely chaotic. The baby gates are you wide for the doors, the kitchen is tiny and therebisnt a shower.
I have decided that I will use this platform to record my ramblings about my journey in our new house, new place and in my new job as a stay at home mum. Eek.
I will likely still post the randomest posts as usual but I want to try aaand get down my thoughts on our journey as a predominant topic.


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