Pregnancy: a farewell to my bump.

Time to say bye bye bump and hello baby
I am 39 weeks +6 days. 
Things are starting to  happen  and I know that soon, one way or another our baby will be leaving the comfort of my womb and arriving in the big scary world.

It's  time to bid farewell to the bump. It's  been nine months. 
These past nine months have changed me both mentally and physically and more than any other nine months I've  ever experienced.
This bump has become a part of me that I will actually miss, i've stretched clothes with this bump, gotten in peoples way with this bump, its made me wee more and made me waddle, i've knocked things over with this bump. This bump has made me awkward and emotional, it has given me equal amounts of joy and frustration. I have felt the little person in this bump squirm and wriggle and I have spent many hours watching the alien movements with my husband.
 I've grown a person in this bump! A little person!
For nine months I've protected a tiny person in my belly and now all of sudden the reality has kicked in... this tiny person is going to come out of me and  be entirely dependant on us to take care of him. 

Funnily enough I haven't really thought about the baby as being an actual baby until these last few days! I mean obviously we have bought loads of stuff and I have read loads of books and thought about it non stop but I have not really imagined the actual little person! 

Anyway it's not long till he is set free and I will no longer have that wriggly little thing inside me, whilst I am saddened at the loss I am hugely excited and can't wait to feel like I am truly sharing with my husband who has been amazing all the way through but of course he could never really understand or fully feel the power of the wriggly baby inside me! 


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