
Showing posts from October, 2016

Why I've decided to try and be chilled out

I'm one of  those people  that likes to  find out everything I can before doing something. I will read all reviews and look up pics and read the description  over and over before going on holiday so I know  what  to  pack, where to get ice cream, what entertainment  there will  be etc. I read and re read menus before going to dinner, I look at the attending guests on Facebook  events to get a feel of the event. you get the  idea. I am also one of  those people who  looks obsessively  at cute photos on pintrest and has to try and  recreate them. Therefore, naturally  when I became  pregnant  the books arrived: what to expect when you're expecting, what to eat when you're  pregnant, the new parents bible, why love matters, gurgle, you and your new baby...yeah and if that wasn't enough I also Google everything! On top of that I wanted to take photos of my pregnancy  progress and when Osc...

6 weeks old: sleepless nights and baby smiles.

In just 6 short weeks our whole lives have changed. Its like there is this whole other world that co-exists with the one we used to live in. You kinda know it's there but you don't really notice it much until suddenly you become a  parent and the welcome pack to this other world lands eith a hefty thud on your doormat! There is a plethora of new discoveries and our house is suddenly filled with odd things such as gripe water, infacol, burp cloths and a truck load of other baby accessories  (for such a small person who doesn't  do much he has a  lot  of  stuff!) As we start getting  used to  this new world we are part of  and I start venturing out more I have also discovered  something  else new! Other parents! Theres the snobby judgy ones and the i know exactly how you feel, sharing a knowing look and maybe a word or two ones (these are my favourite!) Whilst our lives (personal space, me time and chaos free house) are slowly a...

One month!

We have survived the first month!  Whilst it feels scary to thing our little pudding is a whole month old already it's also nice to  be getting  used to  each other and feeling a bit more confident.  Of course there  are  still days when I'm exhausted  and  the collic crying is overwhelming  but we are beginning  to  find that more often than not we have a  solution.   As Oscar grows I am beginning  to  enjoy small periods of  awake playtime with him, these have cheered my days up greatly and are a welcome break from the gas induced crying or greedy nipple guzzling (even if it only lasts 15 mins!)  I find myself continuously  having to remind myself  that  he is only just over 4 weeks old and  that it was only that long ago that I went through childbirth! It's easy to forget these things as the fuzzy, sleep deprived,milky, snuggly days sort of fuse together. I am constant...

Adjusting to motherhood

After the horrendous first week at home with Oscar, without my husband, I became suprised at how quickly I have begun to adjust to certain things. Now don't get me wrong there's still a lot of adjusting to occur (I'm also not saying I am fully ecstatic about embracing all of those adjustments but hey!) We are on week 4 now and Oscar will be a month in four days. A lot has changed for us as a couple and for my daily routine. For example we now eat strange meals for dinner, often with Oscar hanging off my boob or Thrashing about on my hubby's shoulder trying to poo! Oh and don't forget that this is usually done at lightening  speed (in order to finish before the baby needs feeding/changing) and to the soundtrack of rain or shower sounds blasting full whack from one of our phones or the tv in a desperate attempt to calm the poor baby's evening heebie jeebies. I have in fact become so used to  the rain sounds that it either sends me into a dreamlike state or I comp...

2 week babymoon and cosy blanket of paternity leave

Leaving the Hospital with Oscar was terrifying. We had entered the Birthing centre at about midnight  the previous evening knowing of course that at some point in the next few hours there would be a baby. However there is knowing that to be true and ACTUALLY having said baby come home with you! two remarkably different things! All of a sudden our dynamic as husband and wife had changed, I was in the back seat for one (which felt weird) and there seemed to be so many terrible dangers in the world now that we had this tiny person to look after. needless to say the first night with our little man was spent waking up and checking him every time he made a noise (which was surprisingly often as he is a very snuffly sleeper) or making sure he wasn't in danger of being smothered! Id read a lot about babymoons and spending the first two weeks indoors in your pjs, bonding. Now I wasn't too enthused by the idea for a couple of reasons: generally i find that staying in my pjs indo...