Adjusting to motherhood

After the horrendous first week at home with Oscar, without my husband, I became suprised at how quickly I have begun to adjust to certain things. Now don't get me wrong there's still a lot of adjusting to occur (I'm also not saying I am fully ecstatic about embracing all of those adjustments but hey!)
We are on week 4 now and Oscar will be a month in four days. A lot has changed for us as a couple and for my daily routine. For example we now eat strange meals for dinner, often with Oscar hanging off my boob or Thrashing about on my hubby's shoulder trying to poo! Oh and don't forget that this is usually done at lightening  speed (in order to finish before the baby needs feeding/changing) and to the soundtrack of rain or shower sounds blasting full whack from one of our phones or the tv in a desperate attempt to calm the poor baby's evening heebie jeebies. I have in fact become so used to  the rain sounds that it either sends me into a dreamlike state or I completely  forget it is even playing and spend hours lis tending to it...

I have also seemlessly adjusted to the fact that I shower on the baby's terms and that sometimes doesn't happen until the afternoon and even then I have learnt to take the quickest showers ever. husband told me he would watch Oscar while I enjoyed  a long  shower (I thought  I'd had one) when I got  out  he said  was that  it?)

Breastfeeding  has been another adjustment I think I've nailed. I find myself regularly  sitting  with a baby on one boob and a pump on the other! Earlier  this  week  I found  myself having to  walk to the dining table with a baby attached to  one nipple, the breast feeding  pillow  firmly clamped beneath him and the other boob still half out! Attractive  im sure.

Being in what  feels like a permanent  state of undress has become  part of my daily "routine" I seem to permanently  have easy access clips hanging open, pyjama tops half done up or find myself walking about in giant knickers with half a t shirt on as that's as far as Oscar let me get before crying or needing a feed!

Being able to  do a days worth of jobs in the ten minutes that somebody,  who has popped round,  has Oscar. Honestly it's like as soon  as  they have him I run about like a maniac unloading  and loading washing, folding laundry, brushing my teeth, making a drink, having a wee, cleaning. I never knew there were so many minutes in 10 minutes.

Realising I've lost the ability to  stand still. Wether I'm bouncing Oscars bouncer or burping him I have found that the swaying bouncing  motion becomes a normal and addictive movement  and I  have  noticed that  I am doing  it more and more  frequently  without  actually  holding  a  baby...

Missing  my husband has become  a daily feeling as we are both so busy with keeping  each other and the baby alive that there is barely time to  talk!

The sense of  joy I feel at hearing our gassy  baby (who struggles to poo) making a big squelchy  fart never thought I'd be pleased to  hear farts or burps!

Walking around the house and streets feeling  like  I'm talking  to  myself  is not  as embarrassing  as it should  be I'm talking  to  this small human honest.
Not feeling remotely  silly for rewarding  myself with chocolate  buttons when I managed to  leave the house before  12!

Adjusting from a 10 hour sleep person to a feeling  like 4 hours is a good chunk of sleep person. ..we are still working on adjusting to this one.


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