6 weeks old: sleepless nights and baby smiles.
In just 6 short weeks our whole lives have changed. Its like there is this whole other world that co-exists with the one we used to live in. You kinda know it's there but you don't really notice it much until suddenly you become a parent and the welcome pack to this other world lands eith a hefty thud on your doormat!
There is a plethora of new discoveries and our house is suddenly filled with odd things such as gripe water, infacol, burp cloths and a truck load of other baby accessories (for such a small person who doesn't do much he has a lot of stuff!)
As we start getting used to this new world we are part of and I start venturing out more I have also discovered something else new! Other parents! Theres the snobby judgy ones and the i know exactly how you feel, sharing a knowing look and maybe a word or two ones (these are my favourite!)
Whilst our lives (personal space, me time and chaos free house) are slowly adjusting to this new world, our little boy is also adjusting and developing. At 6 weeks we are reaching what is apparently the peak of collic, we are experiencing a joyful period of colic induced 4am crying which young Oscar tricked us into thinking he had adjusted to the less scary time of 6.30am!
I have experienced the joys of trying to get the pushchair down a flight of concrete steps, assembled and packed with changing bag and baby...last time it only took 3 hours to leave the house...
All the stress of sleepless nights and occasional bouts of inconsolable crying, that leave me and Oscar frazzled and emotional, are instantly forgiven and forgotten when I receive a gummy smile and a few adorable coos. Even 10 mins successful tummy time play is enough to make me forget that I only had two hours sleep and accidentally drank coffee grounds that morning.
When people say the frazzled feeling and sleepless nights are worth it...they aren't lying. It's taken a while but I see what the mean 100% now, it's hard but it's not forever and it's going so bloody quick already! I just have to remember to enjoy every moment of this tiny snuffler.
There is a plethora of new discoveries and our house is suddenly filled with odd things such as gripe water, infacol, burp cloths and a truck load of other baby accessories (for such a small person who doesn't do much he has a lot of stuff!)
As we start getting used to this new world we are part of and I start venturing out more I have also discovered something else new! Other parents! Theres the snobby judgy ones and the i know exactly how you feel, sharing a knowing look and maybe a word or two ones (these are my favourite!)
Whilst our lives (personal space, me time and chaos free house) are slowly adjusting to this new world, our little boy is also adjusting and developing. At 6 weeks we are reaching what is apparently the peak of collic, we are experiencing a joyful period of colic induced 4am crying which young Oscar tricked us into thinking he had adjusted to the less scary time of 6.30am!
I have experienced the joys of trying to get the pushchair down a flight of concrete steps, assembled and packed with changing bag and baby...last time it only took 3 hours to leave the house...
All the stress of sleepless nights and occasional bouts of inconsolable crying, that leave me and Oscar frazzled and emotional, are instantly forgiven and forgotten when I receive a gummy smile and a few adorable coos. Even 10 mins successful tummy time play is enough to make me forget that I only had two hours sleep and accidentally drank coffee grounds that morning.
When people say the frazzled feeling and sleepless nights are worth it...they aren't lying. It's taken a while but I see what the mean 100% now, it's hard but it's not forever and it's going so bloody quick already! I just have to remember to enjoy every moment of this tiny snuffler.
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